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Palo Santo Smudge Stick

Traditionally said to be used for the relief of common colds and flu, stress, asthma, headaches, depression, anxiety and inflammation, Palo Santo is also commonly used for calming the immune and nervous symptoms, aiding fast recovery from ailments and illnesses.  Palo Santo works well for smudging or clearing a room of negative energies, or simply for refreshing a room in your home after you’ve had guests or visitors to stay. The smell is so fresh and beautiful, we like to use it in place of traditional air fresheners and diffusers.

Palo Santo Smudge Stick

    • Take one stick and light it with a candle, match or lighter.
    • Allow the Palo Santo stick to burn for 30 seconds to a minute, then carefully blow it out.
    • Move around the space in which you wish to clear the energy - be it your bedroom, office, car or your entire home - allowing the smoke to waft around each area.
    • As you take the Palo Santo stick into the corners of each room or space you are cleansing, say aloud: "ask that the plant spirit of Palo Santo please infuse this space with blessings". 
    • A rich smell will fill the air, bringing peace and clarity to the moment.
    • Once you feel you have cleansed your space, place the Palo Santo stick in a fireproof bowl and allow the embers to burn out.
    • Remember to always exercise care and caution when working with fire.

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